


Istanbul (Byzantium) was  the centre of the ‘known’ world, the  Orbis Terrarum  the ’world Island’  as  shown above….drafted by Hecateus of Milas in 6th century B.C.E. where Straits divide Europe from Asia and are the link between East and West. These  were formed at the end of the Ice Age approximately 7,500 years ago when rising seawaters overflowed from the Aegean and Sea of Mamara  turning a landlocked  lake into the Black Sea. .…..

And tis now that  the myths start…..


 Zeus  seated upon on his golden throne on Mount Olympos spotted a beautiful  girl called Io,  a priestess to his wife Hera , and he   desired her. To protect  her from Hera’s jealousy  he transformed her into a  white heifer. Hera asked the  hundred-eyed giant  

Argos  to follow her through the  plains of Thrace. Argos fell asleep and Hera  furious had Argos killed…but decided to save his eyes….which she gave to the Peacock.

 In the meantime Io leapt over the Straits and continued down the western coast of ‘Ionia’.  And this is how the Bosphorus  got its name ‘βοὸς πόρος’, the cattle strait, ….Ox Ford!… You may want  to know how the romance progressed…Io became pregnant and gave birth  in ‘Anatolia’…..but that is another story!

 ‘Anatolia’  or ‘ἀνατολή’ means  ‘east’ or more specifically…’from where the sun rises’,  the realms east of the higher  plateau  and mountain ranges beyond.  From here every morning  Helios reined  his four-horse golden chariot to bring the next dawn to those impatiently awaiting daylight.. Helios had  a son Phaeton who  decided to  take the reins in his own hands. One evening after Helios returned to base  via the tranquil waters of the Mediterranean, Phaeton stole the chariot  and whipping the horses, veered violently across the skies creating the Milky Way then skimming down so low that he actually scorched the lands of  Abbysinnia (Ethiopa) and the Sahel….. 


The earth’s very future was threatened. Zeus hurled a thunderbolt at the chariot. Nymphs followers of Phaeton were so devastated that their  tears turned to Amber and they became trees!

By 146 B.C.E Rome had taken Anatolia, now becoming ‘Asia Minor’ and added lands stretching south to Egypt and eastwards towards  the Persian Gulf. 

Helios had lost his son and was was now totally eclipsed  by Mithra the Invincible Sun god and patron of soldiers.

Road construction linked all the areas in the Empire …trade increased as caravans bringing  spices, silk and porcelain from the East returned  loaded with corn, wool, leather, olives, wine etc.


St Paul used these roads as he spread the Good News west while in Tarsus his father  no doubt had a flourshing business selling tents to travellers.

 All through Asia Minor were constructed geto Mythra, Sol Invictus, until…..Constantine orders his soldiers to fight with the sign of Chi-Rho emblazoned on their shields. He overcomes his rival Maxentius at the battle of the Milvian Bridge.… He now is  Caesar of East and West.. the ’Emperor’ erecting  a Colossus of himself in Rome, whose feet alone measured two metres! 

However the centre  of his  empire  was to be Constantinople and  St Sophia’s basilica was the image of his new religion Christianity until on April 24th 1453 C.E. Fatih Sultan Mehmet in the name of Sunni Islam laid siege to Constantinople,  dragging his fleet on wooden sleepers  overland into the Golden Horn. Then  breaching the thousand year old straitsTheodosian Walls he advanced straight to St Sophia where  Patriarch,  Emperor and  entourage were slain celebrating  a last Mass. 

However  as the story goes…the congregation disappeared into the  rounded  apse to re-appear out of these walls when St Sophia is once again the centre of Orthodox worship…..be this a myth, the main Patriarchate of the Orthodox church  is still at Constantinople!  

St Sophia was now given the essentials: minarets, a mihrap,  a coating of fine plaster to cover frescoes,  and while still essentially in Europe,  Constantinople became Istanbul  the capital of the Ottoman empire until 1922.

Marmaris’ coastline is of a deeper blue…
But…nowhere else along the coast can one find such tones of aquamarine and turquoise.

One cannot substitute St. Nicholas Island for Atlantis…However Oludeniz is the best place for a Mediterranean holiday!

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